
UL-BW is the cast iron ultrasonic bulk meter with advanced sensors for precise and reliable measurement to commercial and industrial application. The meter combined with high-tech IoT technology for both superior hydraulic performance and instant alarm to realize smart water management. The sound wave that ­ows in the direction of the stream moves faster than the one that ­ows against the stream. The transit times Tab (Transit time of ultrasonic) waves from sensor A to measured continuously. The time difference (Tba - Tab) is directly proportional to the mean ­ow velocity (Vm) of the liquid. The ­ow rate is a result of the velocity multiplied by the cross section area of the ­ow tube size.

Product Features

  • Non-moving parts Non-moving parts permit reliable performance, long service life and low pressure loss.
  • High accuracy High accuracy, unaffected by sand, suspended solids or air pockets.
  • Long battery life ≥10years; possible to keep the external battery bag for easy to exchange.
  • Communication AMR ready for wireless, or RS485, M-BUS and other wired communication modes.
  • Rectifying device with rectifying device.